I often see confusion about the differences between ‘can’ and ‘be able to’. Sometimes we can replace one with the other, and sometimes we can’t. Both are used to talk about ability. I thought I’d try to clear up when and how we use these for you.
Viktora Huga 6, Praha 5
Pacovská 31, Praha 4
Nám. Na Santince 2, P 6
Ke Štvanici 4, Praha 8
Badeniho 290/1, P 6
nám. Míru 15, Praha 2
Slezská 1, Praha 2
Kolbenova 1, Praha 9
náměstí Míru 15, 120 00 Praha 2
náměstí Na Santince 2, 160 00 Praha 6
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