Now to the final step of the writing process.
If you have followed stages 1 to 4 you have a fairly solid draft. It has all the information in it that you need, and all the information is in the right place in the structure. But, if you’ve followed my instructions, you may have typos and grammar errors. Now is the stage to fix these.
Viktora Huga 6, Praha 5
Pacovská 31, Praha 4
Nám. Na Santince 2, P 6
Ke Štvanici 4, Praha 8
Badeniho 290/1, P 6
nám. Míru 15, Praha 2
Slezská 1, Praha 2
Kolbenova 1, Praha 9
náměstí Míru 15, 120 00 Praha 2
náměstí Na Santince 2, 160 00 Praha 6
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