Týden #05 2018


After watching a documentary on the effects of obesity on health, Estrella Hernandez had the idea to create a game which would help fight | wrestle | struggle | win childhood obesity, for its goal was to improve physical activity and health.


WRONG: Your driving is terrible. You’re in the wrong line!
RIGHT: Your driving is terrible. You’re in the wrong lane!

Potěšte své blízké dárkovým poukazem na studium jazyků. Na každý poukaz v hodnotě alespoň 3 000 Kč vám přidáme 500 Kč.


Poslouchejte výslovnost a naučte se význam Movement, Association, Fair trial, Assembly a 6 dalších termínů.

phrase-bigPhrase of the Week

A: I thought you said you were on my side!
B: I did say that, as a matter of fact, but what you’re suggesting is irrational.
