
Right Way to Sack Someone

When it is necessary to terminate the job | employement | work | employ relationship, you start asking yourself what is the best way to separate from an employee quickly, but with dignity for the company as well as for the employee.

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When it is necessary to terminate the __________ relationship, you start asking yourself what is the best way to separate from an employee quickly, but with dignity for the company as well as for the employee.
__________ is always the best choice. Speak openly with your team members about their performance and career prospects and offer suggestions for changes.
Don’t forget to make clear what your requirements for the job are. You cannot __________ employees to improve if they don’t know what you consider substandard performance.
They cannot read your mind and if you’re not clear about it or __________, most of the people feel more betrayed when bad news comes as a surprise. Feedback is the key when you decline to renew or decide to terminate a contract.
As Eliza Wicher, an organisational psychologist, said, a lot of negative feelings could be __________ with clear and sincere communication.
In a situation like this, the employee's perception of how they were treated is just as important as the reason __________ the employer's decision. Why you’re terminating the employment is also an important question.
If it’s because your budget shrunk, or because you had too many employees in one group, you should let the person know __________ that this is likely to happen.
It’s only fair to give an employee enough time to look for another position if you're not firing him/her for __________ or making a serious mistake.
All employees, even contract employees, should have a clear understanding of how they are performing and be given opportunities to improve performance. Give them __________ feedback frequently and they will know exactly what they need to do.
Eventually you’re giving them the chance to fight for their jobs. You can avoid being sued for some absurd reason, which is not only __________, but it can seriously hurt the company’s reputation.


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